How to Make a Disposable Vape Last Longer?

How to Make a Disposable Vape Last Longer?

Every disposable vape has a puff count printed on its package. Clearly, the bigger the number, the longer it will last—but is there a way to make a disposable vape last longer than it is supposed to?

There is always a way to get the most out of a disposable vape. All you need is a few good tips. But first, you need to understand what the printed puff count means and how long you can expect a disposable vape to last.

Tips to Make Your Disposable Vape Last Longer

The puff count advertised on a device’s package is an estimated total puff count you may get. It approximately indicates how long the device will last before it runs dry.

Vape manufacturers test their devices using automatic vaping machines. These machines have a consistent puff length, which can be as short as one second. The test determines approximately how many puffs the device will produce, and the same is printed on the package.

Now, if you can imitate the machine, taking a quick puff in a second, you may get the puff count printed on the package of your disposable vape, which is impossible. So, a 200- or 300-puff would produce significantly fewer puffs if your one puff is 3 seconds long.

So, consider the printed puff count a guideline on how long the device may last, which will help you buy a better device with a higher puff count, such as the Nebula Universe, an 18000 puffs vape.

Tips to Make Your Disposable Vape Last Longer

Tips to Make Your Disposable Vape Last Longer
  • Use the Device Only When You Feel Like Smoking a Cigarette (for smokers)

You cannot smoke a cigarette all the time, but a disposable vape is always available to use—no lighter, no smoke, no worries. You can vape as much as you like until it runs low on battery or e-juice. With a cigarette, it’s different. Once you light it up, you can’t put it away. There’s only one choice – to finish it. Throwing it after a few puffs stings a little since it does not seem like a finance-friendly decision to pay for a material you won’t fully use.

You can take one puff from a disposable vape and keep it back in your pocket before using it again. This convenience and quick access make most vapers use their disposables frequently, which burns up the e-juice fast.

To keep your device going for weeks, make a habit of using it only when you think you would want to light up a cigarette, saving you plenty of puffs and reducing nicotine consumption.

  • Take Shorter Puffs to Save E-Liquid

Does one second sound too little for a puff? It is normal for a puff of a cigarette to be about one second long. Since disposables are made to recreate the experience of smoking, vaping a puff for a second is normal for many vapers. However, most vapers take long puffs—why is that?

The reasons are simple:

1.      Vaping produces aromatic clouds instead of harsh smoke, which doesn’t feel annoying, and blowing a mouthful of dense vapor with every puff is fun.

2.      Another reason is the delicious flavors. For instance, a Banana Ice vape pen flavor will taste so good in the mouth that a banana lover would love to make the taste last on the taste buds by taking longer draws.

Long, deep puffs are 2-3 seconds long, so you’re drawing 2 to 3 puffs at once. To make your device last longer, you could shorten your puff duration.

  • Avoid Chain Vaping and Overheating the Device

Wait a few seconds between puffs. Disposable vapes have wicks that need time to absorb e-juice to produce rich puffs. Not giving it time will result in an undesirable and off taste.

Another reason is the coil and battery overheating with chain vaping. A hot coil fails to produce bigger clouds and consumes plenty of e-juice. Overheating will also drain the battery faster, shortening the vape’s life, especially if it isn’t rechargeable.

  • Transition to a Higher Nicotine Strength

Do you take multiple puffs within a minute because you are not receiving enough throat hits? The reason could be the nicotine strength. If you’re using a zero-nicotine vape, the absence of nicotine could be the trigger behind your insatiable craving for nicotine. Switch to a higher nicotine strength, like 2 mg or 5 mg.

A high nicotine strength helps maximize the device’s life since you won’t be taking too many puffs with your nicotine cravings satisfied.

Now, this tip isn’t for smokers who are trying to curb their nicotine addiction. If you’re reducing your nicotine intake, the process is reversed. Switch from 50mg to a 2 percent disposable vape to cut down the nicotine strength gradually to zero.

Final Thoughts

Disposable vapes are unlikely to produce the exact number of puffs mentioned on the package. How long a device lasts depends on the user. These tips can help you get the most out of your vape, making it last longer than expected.

Disposable vapes have come a long way, offering thousands of puffs and advanced features that allow you to track how many puffs and how much battery your device has left. You won’t be taken by surprise in the middle of a fun session.

Must Read: Best Disposable Vapes 2024: Top 5 Picks by Nebula

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